Processing Loss & Grief Through Journaling
Full of anecdotal stories and tips on journaling loss. Something special happens when we write down our woes. Sometimes we only discover how we really feel when we start writing. We access our deepest feelings and thoughts, express them, and come away with the seed of healing.
High Hopes: The Lifelong Importance of a Mother
Encouragement for women who fear their efforts aren't hitting the mark delivered by the childless author about receiving mothering - and becoming far more than looked possible. Toni's mom had a can-do personality, but Toni was not a can-do child. How did she cast off pessimism to become more optimistic about life's tragedies? Including the death of her courageous mom?
Was I a Good Daughter?
Caregiving was the hardest job Toni ever had. Her dad was dead. Her mom was dying. Her brother was in prison. And at 39, she took on a new, ill-fated relationship. It was a perfect recipe for chaos. Toni shares stories to help caregivers heal from expectations of perfection and embrace their best efforts.
Putting Writer’s Block on the Chopping Block
Writer’s block is just like the word implies – a HUGE obstacle. As a crime reporter, Toni faced daily deadlines to get stories to morning readers. She discusses effective ways to defeat idea droughts and performance snags that any writer can use to meet deadlines. And wait 'til you see her prop!