The Commercial Appeal, my former employer, published an article on Grief Dialogues: The Book and on my contribution to the publication. Raina Hanna did a fabulous job on the story, and I want to thank her. What an odd feeling to be IN the story, rather than on top in the byline.
I’m sharing the link below. I confess my computer skills aren’t top notch, so I hope the link works. If it doesn’t, you can still find the story in the Nov. 28 issue of the paper at
If you’re connected to me on Facebook and Twitter, you’ll also find the links on my profiles.
Thanks again for your support. Watch this space next week for my next post. Here’s a teaser:
Can dead people warn us of impending danger? That’s a dicey question for a Christian to ask because the Bible tells us that God doesn’t want us to try to communicate with the dead. I hope my fellow believers haven’t already tuned out. If you’ve made it thus far, allow me to elaborate.
The newspaper article link:
Sheryl M. Baker
Great article, Toni! Congratulations.
Toni Lepeska
Thank you!