Writing is a pretty isolating endeavor, but I’ve learned that while I sit in in front of a computer all by myself, I do not write alone. And so I want to thank you, my readers.
In the past two weeks, the number of followers to this blog has doubled. Others are readers but are not followers.
(Many of you know this, but for those who do not: To follow the blog, scroll down to the bottom of the page or post, enter your e-mail address and hit the “follow” button. You will receive e-mail notification each time I post. I typically post once a week.)
I’m honored you’d take five minutes out of your life to read the words I’d compose. I don’t pretend to be inspired in the way the writers of the Bible were, but I’d like to think God intends for our stories to help others.
That’s right, I said our stories. Not just my stories. Sometimes the forces of darkness whisper in our ears that our story isn’t worthy to broadcast. Admittedly, I get discouraged sometimes, but God is a great source of encouragement. He put before me a verse in Luke 11 this week.
“No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light.”
Our “light” – actions or words that give people guidance – isn’t designed to keep to ourselves, but to share with many others. That may be your circle of friends, or a great audience.
I’ve found that the grieving community in particular feels motivated to share its stories. Grieving people need other grieving people, to listen especially, but also for feelings to be validated. You hear another daughter felt envious of people whose parents were still alive and you realize you aren’t an oddball after all. Kind of gives you permission to feel the way you feel.
I want to invite you to share your stories in the comment section under each blog post. Add your God-given perspective. I want to read what you have to say. There are a myriad of ways to share your story as we go about our day, but that is one way.
If you have suggestions you wish to offer privately, fill out the comment section under “Contact.” I’ll respond as promptly as possible.
I also hope if you think something written here will help someone or add to the conversation about losing parents, the grieving process, or dealing with a loved one’s belongings, you will share the post and invite others to the blog. Thank you in advance!
I realized this past summer at a writing conference that I cannot reach my greatest potential alone. We learn and grow best within community. Thank you for being a part of this blog community, and thank you for sharing a piece of yourself every time you comment. I look forward to hearing from you.
Remember – put that light of yours on a pedestal for everyone to see!
What topics would you like to see more of on this blog?
Copyright © 2017 by Toni Lepeska. All rights reserved. www.tonilepeska.com
Sheryl M. Baker
That is wonderful your blog followers are growing. Your posts are truly influencing many. I find it ironic that my post for tomorrow is using the exact scripture about not hiding our light under a bushel. Hmm…God is using this scripture in many ways.
Toni Lepeska
Oh, wow, Sheryl, that is so cool. I look forward to reading your post. Thank you for your friendship, encouragement and guidance these last several months.
Ben Aqiba
Hey Toni,
this is very open and honest article 🙂
Thank you
Toni Lepeska
Thank you, Ben, for reading! I’m glad you enjoyed the piece.